How It Works

Welcome to Geepitee, the ultimate app for creating and managing super prompts for ChatGPT through the OpenAI API. Our user-friendly platform allows you to craft your own super prompts and switch between different roles with ease. Follow this step-by-step guide to make the most of Geepitee:

Decoding Super Prompts and Prompt Engineering

Before diving into Geepitee, let's understand what a super prompt is. In the context of ChatGPT, a super prompt is a carefully crafted input designed to elicit a specific response from the AI model. This technique, known as prompt engineering, aims to improve the quality, relevance, and usefulness of the AI's output.

For example, instead of asking ChatGPT to help with writing a marketing email by saying, "Write a marketing email," a super prompt might be phrased as, "As an AI with expertise in crafting marketing emails, can you create a compelling email targeting customers who have abandoned their shopping carts, offering a 10% discount to encourage them to complete their purchase?"

“As an AI with expertise in crafting marketing emails, can you create a compelling email targeting customers who have abandoned their shopping carts, offering a 10% discount to encourage them to complete their purchase?”

Creating Your Super Prompts in Geepitee

To create your own super prompts, go to the "Settings" menu and click "Add New Role". Here, you can craft your desired input for ChatGPT. A role consists of two parts - a role name, which is just for your reference, and the actual super prompt, which will be sent to the AI model. We recommend focusing on clarity and specificity to get the best results from the ChatGPT.

Create a new role in Geepitee

Saving and Managing Your Prompts

Once you have crafted your super prompt, click the "Save" button. Your prompt will be added to your personal library. You can access it anytime by navigating to the "Settings" section. Here, you can edit, delete, or switch between your saved prompts for various roles and tasks.

Manage your prompts in Geepitee

Engaging with ChatGPT

With your Assistant Role selected you can initiate a conversation with ChatGPT. Simply click on your role, and Geepitee will ask ChatGPT to assume this role. The AI will then respond based on the prompt you've crafted

Select your prompt and start chatting with ChatGPT

Refining and Experimenting

As you use Geepitee, feel free to refine and experiment with your super prompts to improve the quality of ChatGPT's responses. The more you work with the app, the better you'll become at crafting effective prompts that elicit the desired output.

Refine and experiment with your prompts in Geepitee

By following these simple steps, you'll unlock the full potential of ChatGPT and create a seamless experience for interacting with the AI model. Get started with Geepitee now and watch your creativity soar!